
Context of Project Here

Our team conducted interviews with seniors to learn how they interact with technology, expectations of the program, and their experience with the tablet so far.

The purpose of these conversations were to ensure we:

  • Designed the right thing for the specific users we have identified for

  • Use rapid feedback on in-progress design work to make sure we designed the thing right 

  • Learned from pilot users to inform bug fixes, iterations, and future evolution. 

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The learnings are confidential so I’m unable to share. I’m proud to have helped this population group during Covid-19. It was cool to hear the Mayor of NY read out verbatims from our interviews on live TV. Check out his entire conference here (start at 15:10 to go directly to this project).

Shout out to my collaborators - Elyse Voegeli, Katherine Benjamin, and Mayo Nissen and the entire NYC Mayor’s Office of the CTO Team.