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My Path to User Research

How did you end up in user research?

One of the most common questions I hear.

Before declaring a college major…

My father and I

My father and I

I recall my father saying: Vijay, I want you to study either law, medicine, or accounting. This could be because it was during the 2008 recession and he wanted me to have a "safe" job. It could be because, in his mind, these were the most respectful fields. Whatever the reason, I did not want to disappoint my father. I chose to study accounting. 

Why accounting?

Growing up, I worked for my father's clothing store. I thought I could see myself in the 'business world' compared to that of a courtroom or doctor’s office.  Plus, accounting seemed easier compared to medicine and law. [Disclaimer: I love and am grateful for my father. But I wasn't super excited about these options or his POV on this.]

After studying and working in accounting, I quickly realized it was not for me. I enjoyed the conversations with the audit team and the clients, but that was the extent of it.

So I pivoted

To a consulting role in another accounting firm. I conducted desk research to help companies understand the changing world in their respective industries. The accounting firm acquired a digital agency. 

I was introduced to a researcher from that agency

We worked together on a research project. He introduced me to user research by teaching me basic qualitative research principles. I was hooked by the stories people would share with us and the magic of synthesis and share-outs. I felt responsible to make sure these stories people shared with us were being heard and acted upon.

I found a topic I was deeply interested in. I wanted to dive deeper into research and design. I applied to UW's MHCID program and luckily got in. I immersed myself in design and started developing my “research tool kit.”

I’m forever grateful for learning from everyone around me. Thank you.

My graduate class, MHCID 2018.

My graduate class, MHCID 2018.